Assistance for companies employing an apprentice for the first time
If you are embarking on apprentice training for the first time, or have trained apprentices in the past but have not had any apprentices for the last five years or more, this grant can contribute to meeting your staffing needs as your company grows by getting involved in training apprentices.
Who can apply for the grant?
Viennese apprenticeship training companies according to section 2 of the Vocational Training Act (BAG), whose registered office or permanent establishment is in Vienna
- that are training apprentices in Vienna for the first time
- training companies that have not trained apprentices in Vienna for at least five years
The grant is not available to:
Municipal associations, government training companies, political parties and independent training facilities according to sections 29, 30 and 30b of the Vocational Training Act.
What does the grant cover?
New apprentices residing in Vienna employed by companies training apprentices for the first time, or that have not trained any apprentices for at least five years, irrespective of the apprenticeship year (also possible for multiple apprentices per applicant company)
Apprenticeships commencing during the period from 01.06.2021 to 30.06.2022
How much is the grant?
waff pays the apprentice’s wages (collectively agreed gross apprenticeship income plus 20% lump sum for non-wage labour costs) for the first year of the apprenticeship with the company, with offsetting of the basic state grant.
N.B.: The basic state grant covers the costs for three months of the first year of the apprenticeship, two months of the second year, and one month each for the third and fourth years.
Requirements for the grant
Employment of a new apprentice by
- companies that are training apprentices in Vienna for the first time (submission of a valid statement)
- training companies that have not trained apprentices in Vienna for at least five years
- The application documents must be submitted to waff within three months of expiry of the trial period at the latest
- You cannot claim the Vienna Apprenticeship Training Bonus in addition to this grant.
Self-declaration by the company that no Public Employment Service (AMS) grant has been claimed for the apprenticeship in question in accordance with the guidelines for subsidies to promote vocational training according to vocational training legislation.
Obligation on the part of the training company to repay the grant if the apprenticeship is terminated during the grant period or immediately after the grant period. Repayment is not required if there are serious reasons justifying termination of the apprenticeship by the training company (according to section 15 (3) BAG).
How to apply for the grant
The grant application document, including the Declaration of Commitment and supporting documents, must be submitted to waff within three months of the end of the trial period at the latest.
Payments will always be in arrears following the end of a quarter for which proof of apprenticeship has been provided; the first payment will be made following the end of the statutory three-month trial period at the earliest.